Principal’s Letter
Hello Grand View Families!
I still can’t believe how fast this year has gone by! We have had a wonderful year watching your students grow socially and academically. We have a lot of great activities and events coming up in the next month. I hope you were able to join us for the Family Fun Night and the upcoming Field Day. It has been a pleasure to serve in this community and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know so many families. I look forward to getting to know more families next year! Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Intent to Return for 2023-2024 School Year
It is the time of year when we start looking at next year and making sure we have the right amount of teachers and support for our students. We need your help in this process. Please fill out this form with your intentions for next school year. We appreciate your help! Intent to Return Form 2023-2024

Please congratulate our fantastic Teacher of the Year Finalists: Lauren Griffith, Erin Hufford, and Jennifer Ranweiler! Three of the many amazing teachers at Grand View!

Thanks to the generous support of local sponsors, Community Connection has supplied the weekly take home folders at no cost to elementary schools across the country since 2007.
Unfortunately, Grand View does not currently have enough sponsors to participate in this service for next year. WE NEED A MINIMUM OF 8 SPONSORS.
Please consider becoming one of our featured businesses by donating HERE or contact Debi at (303)302-0595 or 1-800-635-8422. This is a project that everyone can benefit from your support!
We appreciate your support of our Bison Herd!
Art News
We are so incredibly proud of all of the student artwork that was on display at the district art show! We would like to thank Mrs. Kramer for her hard work and dedication to our students.

5th Grade News
Fifth grade has had a busy start to our third trimester! In March, we ran a town for a day at Young Ameritowne. We also learned about healthy hearts and lungs by partnering with UC Health and dissected cow eyeballs with Dr. Taylor Kiyota from Carbon Valley Eye Care. We hope you were able to join us for our annual Wax Museum and learn about brave historical figures. We will also run, jump, and tug at the district’s 5th Grade Field Day. The end of fifth grade is packed with fun! We cannot wait to end our students’ elementary school careers by making memories together!

End of year library dates:
–May 5th is the last day for students to check out library books.
–May 12th all student library books need to be returned.
–May 19th is the last day classes will come to the library.
Library books that are not returned by the last day of school will be marked lost and a fee will be posted on Infinite Campus.
Dear St. Vrain Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for your continued partnership and support as St. Vrain Valley Schools prepares for the 2023-2024 school year. The Transportation Department is committed to continuously providing the best possible service for our students attending classes within the district. To this end, each year we require that students desiring transportation services complete an application for busing. The application window is currently available and remains open throughout the academic year. Parents and Guardians will be notified when an application has been processed and a seat has been reserved.
While we make every effort to accommodate as many eligible riders as possible, transportation services are provided on a space-available, and first-come, first-served basis.
Please click on the link below for Step-by-Step instructions for the Bus Rider Application which also includes a link to our Bus Rider Application. Please contact us at 303-702-7530 if you have additional questions.
Health Office News
Medications: If your student has medication in the health office, please watch for information regarding pick up date/time. Medication for students in summer programs, such as Project Launch or Bison Bunch, will need to be transferred by the parent/guardian. Medications can not be transferred by the school. Any medications not picked up by noon on May 26th will be destroyed.
Health Plans: If your student has a current health plan, a copy will be sent out for the 2023-2024 school year. Health plans and medication forms are good for one year from the date signed by the health care provider. Traci Montgomery can let you know when a current plan expires.
Immunizations: Letters will be sent out regarding required vaccines for the 2023-2024 school year. Information on vaccine exemptions will also be provided.
Please reach out with questions:
Traci Montgomery
303-702-8000 ext 21212
Reminders for Families:
- Please remind your students that they can not be using electronic devices to call you throughout the day. We would like them to come to the office to call parents if necessary. This will also help us to provide the right amount of support for your student. All cell phones need to be kept in their backpacks.
- We have noticed an increased use of smart watches during instructional time. If watches are being used to play games, texting others, or other activities, your student may be asked to place them in their backpacks until the end of the day.
Important Dates to Remember
Wednesday, May 3rd – Late Start – School starts at 11:30am
Thursday, May 4th- Fifth Grade Field Day at Frederick High School
- Events will start at 9:45am
- Parents, Guardians, and well wishers are welcome to come and support
- In the event of poor weather, rain out date will commence the next week on fist available day
May 8th-12th – Teacher Appreciation Week
May 17th – PTO Meeting at 6:00pm
Thursday, May 18th- All School Field Day – hosted by the Bison Brigade
- PreK through Fourth grade students will be participating
- Fifth grade students will be running stations
- More information will be sent in Friday folders on May 12th
Thursday, May 25th-
- Last Day of School
- Kindergarten Continuation from 9:30-10:30 am
- 5th Grade Continuation from 10:45-11:45 am
- Family Picnic from 11:45-12:45 pm – STUDENTS AND FAMILIES NEED TO BRING THEIR OWN SACK LUNCH along with chairs, blankets, umbrellas, etc.
Location: Big Field/South Lawn – The playground is off limits due to supervision and liability concerns.
Feel free to take your student home with you after the picnic. Make sure to sign them out with their homeroom teacher.
Grand View Online Spirit Wear Store
The Grand View grand opening sale has been extended 1 week, through May 1st! Use code SPIRIT424 to receive 25% off and get free shipping on orders over $50. Don’t miss out! Shop at https://1stplace.sale/106224.
Sale Details:
- Dates: April 10th thru May 1st
- 25% off all merchandise
- Free shipping on orders over $50
- Use code: SPIRIT424 at checkout to receive the discounts

Hello, Grand View Community! The Aspect Foundation, a non-profit organization that works with high school exchange students from across the world, is seeking homestay families here in Weld and Boulder Counties. Local schools are eagerly hoping to accept exchange students for Fall Semester of 2023! Interested families can read more about our students on Aspect’s website:https://aspectfoundation.org/student-profiles/
If hosting a student is intriguing, please click on this link to get started:
Reminders from the Office
- Please remember to report your child’s absence or tardy to 303-702-8000 or email: [email protected]
- If at any time you need to get a hold of your student, please call the front office so we can help you contact your student during school hours.
- If you are picking up your student during school hours, you must present a photo ID.
All medication should be turned in to the health office with the required Dr.’s and parent’s authorization paperwork.
Our office staff is always available to answer your questions.
Jo Jo Charles, Principal’s Secretary, 303-702-8000, [email protected]
Emily Pacheco, Registrar/Attendance Clerk, 303-702-8000, [email protected]
Traci Montgomery, Health Clerk, 303-702-8000, [email protected]
The Specials Team Presents the 1st-2nd Grade Showcase!

Bison Chorale will have their final performance on Thursday, May 11th at 6:30pm
Off Their Rockers! A Showcase of Music from the 1950s-60s!
6:30pm in the Grand View Gymnasium
Hug-N-Go Lane
When dropping your students off in the Hug-N-Go Lane, we need families to pull through to the south end of the lane. This will help alleviate the traffic on Aggregate Blvd and help students get to school on time. Please have your students ready with backpacks and other belongings so they can just be dropped off. If you want to get out of the car and help your students, please park in the front parking lot and help them get ready. The HUG-N-GO Lane needs to be quick and easy for all families. Also, please pay attention to the cars trying to get out of the HUG-N-GO Lane so we can allow others to go through the lane. We appreciate your attention to this matter and continued support to keep our students and families safe.

Attendance Matters!!
We have started to send out notifications regarding students’ attendance. We know that attendance has a direct relationship with academic performance. Currently, 28% of our students are considered chronically absent (missed 10 or more days of school). Regardless of days being marked excused or unexcused, they still count towards a student being chronically absent. Therefore, we need your help! Please try your best to schedule vacations during our school breaks and send students to school if they are not sick or don’t have a fever. School doors open at 8:50 am, and school starts promptly at 9:00 am. Please read Colorado’s state law addressing school attendance below. Thank you in advance for your help in increasing our school attendance!
The Colorado School Attendance Law of 1963 (CRS 22-33-101, et. Seq.) requires that every child between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) attend public school or an otherwise approved educational program. A student that has four (4) unexcused absences in any one month or (10) unexcused absences in any school year is considered habitually truant. The School District has a statutory obligation to refer cases of habitual truancy to the Juvenile Court of the 17th Judicial District. In addition, the legislation encourages each board of education to establish attendance procedures for identifying students who are chronically absent (missing more than 10% of the instructional time) regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Space are filling up quickly.

Our Student Council is excited to announce that two legacy projects were chosen. One for this year, and one to work on next year. The kids’ ideas were so creative! The first legacy project that was chosen, are welcome baskets for new families that start in the middle of the year. The welcome baskets will include school supplies, a welcome card from the student council, and coupons to business in our community. The second legacy project will be a 3-D sensory tree that next year’s student council will work on all year.
Also, student council elections will be held in May. Information was sent home to 3rd and 4th grade families regarding the process and elections. Please reach out to Chelsea Segoviano or Lauren Griffith.
Thank you for your support and help this year!
Bison Brigade – PTO News
Next PTO Meeting: May 17th at 6:00pm

Register NOW for 23/24 Bison Bunch before/after school care!
Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements.
Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
Empowering Students to Build a More Accessible Community St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) students are leading the charge for inclusivity and accessibility with the district’s second annual Accessibility Night, scheduled for February 21, 2025, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center (33 Quail Road, Longmont). The event is free and open to […]
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Elementary Math, High School Science & Social Studies Adoption Public Review
St. Vrain Valley Schools is currently piloting new instructional resources for elementary mathematics, high school science, and high school social studies. The resources will be available for introduction and review in-person at the Learning Services Center, 401 S. Pratt Pkwy., in Longmont. Teachers, administrators, families, and community members are all welcome to evaluate the materials […]
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