Principal’s Letter
Dear Grand View Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to extend our deepest thanks for your incredible support during our recent food drive. Your generosity has made a significant impact, not only on our school community but also on those in need. Together, we are creating a positive and caring environment that reflects the values we hold dear at Grand View Elementary.
Thanks to your contributions, our food drive was a tremendous success. Your donations will go a long way in supporting local families and ensuring that everyone in our community has access to nutritious meals. It warms our hearts to see the compassion and kindness that our Grand View families demonstrate time and time again.
In other exciting news, we are thrilled to announce that starting December 4th, Grand View Elementary will be providing free breakfast to all students. We believe that a healthy and nourishing start to the day is crucial for academic success, and we are delighted to offer this service to support the well-being of our students.
As always, your involvement and support are instrumental in making Grand View Elementary a thriving and caring community. If you have any questions about the free breakfast program or would like to get involved in future initiatives, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering support. We are grateful to have such a wonderful community that comes together to make a positive difference.
With gratitude,
Francesca Craver, Principal

Innovation Center Welcomes Community to PK-5 STEM Open House on Dec. 6
As part of Computer Science Education Week, St. Vrain PK-5 elementary families are invited to explore STEM at the Innovation Center’s Open House & STEM Night. The event will take place on Wednesday, December 6 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at the Innovation Center. Students will have the opportunity to explore a variety of educational offerings including coding, robotics, videography, design, aeronautics, cybersecurity, and much more. All activities are hands-on and planned and led by Innovation Center student designers and staff.


We have a considerable amount of lost and found items. Please encourage your child to find their missing items. All items not claimed by noon on Wednesday, December 20th will be donated to charity.
Friday Food Bags
Grand View Elementary is partnering with a local volunteer network to provide “Friday Food Bags” for families in need. Bags will be sent home each Friday with a variety of items such as: cereal, milk, juice, snacks, etc. There is NO COST to participate in this program and all are welcome. If you are interested in participating please complete the following Google Form. For further questions you can contact Mrs. Tonia Beard ([email protected]).

Our Student Council would like to say thank you for your support of their 5th annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. It was another huge success. We were able to donate over 1,400 non-perishable items to the Carbon Valley Help Center this Thanksgiving. We are so grateful for our wonderful community!
Please join us in our Grand View Holiday Spirit Week on December 18-21!
Monday – December 18
Wear your favorite hat , headband, or any other hat that you like.
Tuesday – December 19
Wear your favorite ugly or festive sweater.
Wednesday – December 20
Wear wacky winter clothes (holiday clothes), a wacky hair do, or wacky winter socks. Wacky holiday music will play during the day. Students must stop what they are doing and have a dance party.
Thursday – December 21
Wear your favorite cozy pajamas (no slippers please).
PE – This month in class we have been going through our bowling unit, and are finishing up with our climbing exercises. During our bowling activities, the focus for the older grades was learning how to score a bowling match correctly. Understanding that a spare gives you 10 points plus the amount gained on the next roll, and a strike is worth 10 plus the next two rolls. For the younger grades the focus was on correct rolling mechanics, and basic scoring. For our climbing unit, the focus was on paying attention to surroundings and self, safety, and climbing. Many students enjoyed rotated through five different climbing activities including the climbing rope, slackline, and bouldering wall. This month we will be finishing the climbing unit and proceed to hand-eye coordination activities.
Reminders for Families:
- Please remind your students they are not allowed to use electronic devices to call you during school hours. We would like them to come to the office to call parents, if necessary. This will help us to provide the right amount of support for your student. All cell phones need to be kept in their backpacks
- If at any time you need to get a hold of your student, please call the front office and we will contact your student during school hours.
- If you are picking up your student during school hours, you must present a photo ID. Please remember to report your child’s absence or tardy to 303-702-8000 or email: [email protected]
- Our office staff is always available to answer your questions- 303-702-8000
- Jo Jo Charles, Principal’s Secretary, [email protected]
- Emily Pacheco, Registrar/Attendance Clerk, [email protected]
- Traci Montgomery, Health Clerk, [email protected]

Thank you!
Important Dates to Remember
- December 5 – 4th & 5th Grade Showcase Night 5:15-6:00pm
- December 6 – Late Start (school starts at 11:30am)
- December 7 – PTO Pizza Hut Fundraiser 11:00am-10:00pm
- December 11 – Vision & Hearing Rechecks
- December 18-21 – Holiday Spirit Week
- December 22 through January 5 – Winter Break, No School

Attendance Matters!!
We will be sending out monthly attendance letters to families with attendance concerns. This is to make you aware of your student’s absences. We know that attendance has a direct relationship with academic performance. Last year we had 102 students (26.09%) who were chronically absent from school. This means they missed 10 or more days of school. Regardless of days being marked excused or unexcused, they still count towards a student being chronically absent. Therefore, we need your help! We will be excusing up to 10 days of absence. After 10 days, all days will be unexcused unless you provide a doctor’s note, get approval from principal or if there is a family emergency (funeral, injury, etc.). Please schedule vacations during our school breaks and send students to school if they are not sick. School doors open at 8:50 am, and school starts promptly at 9:00 am. Please read Colorado’s state law addressing school attendance below. Thank you in advance for your help in increasing our school attendance!
The Colorado School Attendance Law of 1963 (CRS 22-33-101, et. Seq.) requires that every child between the ages of six (6) and seventeen (17) attend public school or an otherwise approved educational program. A student that has four (4) unexcused absences in any one month or (10) unexcused absences in any school year is considered habitually truant. The School District has a statutory obligation to refer cases of habitual truancy to the Juvenile Court of the 17th Judicial District. In addition, the legislation encourages each board of education to establish attendance procedures for identifying students who are chronically absent (missing more than 10% of the instructional time) regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Positive Behavior Support System (PBIS)
We are excited to continue with our Bison Boutique this year. Our students earn Bison Bucks when they follow the HERD expectations. Throughout the year, students save their Bison Bucks to buy items from the Bison Boutique. We are in need of volunteers to help with our store and preparation for PBIS. Please sign up if you are able to help. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0948A5A623A3FDC25-bison1
Grand View Online Spirit Wear Store
Order ANYTIME throughout the year!
Show your Bison Pride by ordering Grand View spirit wear! There are hundreds of designs and garment styles waiting for you! Orders ship to your home in just 10-12 business days! Shop Now!

Yearbooks are now for sale! Please use the link or QR code to preorder a copy.

Hug-N-Go Lane
When dropping your students off in the Hug-N-Go Lane, we need families to pull through to the south end of the lane. This will help alleviate the traffic on Aggregate Blvd and help students get to school on time. Please have your students ready with backpacks and other belongings so they can just be dropped off. If you want to get out of the car and help your students, please park in the front parking lot and help them get ready. The HUG-N-GO Lane needs to be quick and easy for all families. Also, please pay attention to the cars trying to get out of the HUG-N-GO Lane so we can allow others to go through the lane. We appreciate your attention to this matter and continued support to keep our students and families safe.

Recent Updates
View our latest news and announcements.
Parent University Session, February 20
St. Vrain’s Parent University program provides training, information, and resources to parents and caregivers in order to support the well-being and success of their children. All spring sessions are from 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. and will be held virtually. Spanish translation services will be available. Join us on Zoom, Feb. 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.Adolescent […]
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Innovation Center Hosts Second Annual Accessibility Night
Empowering Students to Build a More Accessible Community St. Vrain Valley School District (SVVSD) students are leading the charge for inclusivity and accessibility with the district’s second annual Accessibility Night, scheduled for February 21, 2025, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at the Innovation Center (33 Quail Road, Longmont). The event is free and open to […]
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Elementary Math, High School Science & Social Studies Adoption Public Review
St. Vrain Valley Schools is currently piloting new instructional resources for elementary mathematics, high school science, and high school social studies. The resources will be available for introduction and review in-person at the Learning Services Center, 401 S. Pratt Pkwy., in Longmont. Teachers, administrators, families, and community members are all welcome to evaluate the materials […]
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